Saturday, March 10, 2012

Still Waiting

As of last weekend, my cars' clutch gave out and I got stranded in LA for like 5 hours waiting for a tow truck to come. The dude who was gonna tow my car said he was going to pick it up around 6 to 7:30 pm. Instead, I get a call back from him saying he was going to be there around 11.. My friend, Kevin, came to pick me up, because I decided to leave the car there until morning.. (Bad idea, I know) When I went to lock the car, I decided to try and turn it on one more time, and it came to life. My gears were going in but only until 4th gear, so we took the risk of going on the freeway. Super sketchy ride, but we made it! lol! After waiting a whole week to fix the car, My friends dad came to pick up the car and put in a new clutch. Turns out it still wasn't ready.. I guess I'll just have to wait another day.. I miss driving her already.. hahaha! Well, while I was waiting for the car to be ready, I hung out with my cousins for a bit, had a good time, went back home and ended the night with some laser tag!

Kevs' Car!

Tried the Dorito Taco from Taco Bell! Really good!

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