Friday, March 2, 2012

One Step Forward...

Two steps back.. Ain't that the truth... So, as of late, progression on the EF has been delayed.. I really haven't been able to get any new goodies for it for a while now, since most of my cash is going to be on fixing the damn thing. First off, my tires have been worn down to the point of being useless, meaning I had to put on my old wheels. On top of that, I have to get a new clutch! I had just added the intake to the car, and then I get all this... Great.... -___- Plus, my new semester has started and it's already kicking my ass. It's just the 3rd week of school and I have so many deadlines... Also, I have been looking for a motorcycle for daily, but, I guess with all this happening, it's gonna have to wait. Little by little though, my EF is ging to be the way I want it to by the end of the year, and hopefully, have the motorcycle by summer. I'll be posting some pictures of the EFs progress, and junk in later posts, so, stay tuned.

On a lighter note, I've been waiting on a few new games that are coming out this month. Silent Hill HD Collection, and of course... RESIDENT EVIL: OPERATION RACCOON CITY!!!! lol! On the subject of pass timers, I've also been watching the latest seasons of Top Gear (UK of course) Also, I've been watching the newest Kamen Rider Series, Kamen Rider Fourze. I gotta say, his suit still bugs me... I mean, c'mon, he has a space ship for a helmet! Besides that the story is really good! Kamen Rider W will always be my favorite though! Here are the openings for my favorite Kamen Rider series, and the one for Kamen Rider Fourze. ENJOY!

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