Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Lately all that's been going on is school stuff, and the occasional hanging with friends. School, has came down a litle, all I have to do is catch up on some Art history reading... As for Photo 1, I'm sorta behind on the picture taking, but not due until this upcoming Friday. Damn procrastination... I gotta do less of that... Besides all that, my friend, Tommy, has introduced me to Magic the Gathering card game. I gotta say, it's pretty fun. A hell of a lot easier than playing Yu-gi-oh that's for sure! (Nerd...) LOL! Oh those middle to high school days!

Santa Monica fountain on a cloudy day.

Never knew water came in a carton! cool find.

In other news, lately I've been thinking of trading my EF Hatchi for an AE86 Hatch. I'm not too sure if I want to just yet, but it's a possibility I might just chnage sides to Toyota. Maybe....

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