Sunday, January 16, 2011

Last Minute Plans

For this Sunday. I took a trip up to Palmdale today to hang out with my family friend, Karen! We haven't hung out in a while, and I hadn't seen my Godparents in forever, so, this trip was already starting to look great! As my brother and I arrived, we all decided to go out and eat somewhere. The first thing that came to mind was SONIC! Since I've never been there, and always wanted to try it, It felt like it was the appropriate choice to make! So much in so little time! Super fun trip!

Karen, as we wait for our food.

Already looked and smelled soo good!!!!

looks like the trash bin can't get enough of sonic Either! AHAHA! (Lame Joke -__-)

After Sonic, we went to a view point, and i sanpped a couple pix of the area!

Creepy house by the view point...
- We tried to go bowling but there was atleast a one hour wait for a lane.. So, we just went inside to look around... for like 2 minutes.... ahaha!

Apples to Apples! I won that round!

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