Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 2011!!!!

Another year down huh!? It seems like only yesterday 2010 began... I gotta say, this year went by pretty quick!

Let's see here, new year resolutions:

1. Start on a project car. Hopefully I get lucky and find my AE86 hatch. We'll see....

2. Focus more on school and Photography.

3.  Re-model my room for some wrok space.

4. Start skateboarding more often!

Well, other than that, the starting of this year was pretty cool, Spent it with the family, failed miserably at putting in my fogs today too... lol! Goothing I didn't do both of them at the same time! *Phew.. lol! Later went to the canyons to have a good drive with friends.

The little bro!

Working on the EF.

Like I said, fail.... loL! Thanks dad for the help! This is what I'm going to be doing all day tomorrow...

Alexs' DC5

Tonys' FA

My EF!


Line Up! Such a horrible pic. (Learning though!)


Good start to a new year!

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