Saturday, September 15, 2012

Neptune's Net

Look familiar? A Scene for The Fast and the Furious was shot here! Great food and great view!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yet another semester of school has started and, it's going to be a busy one... I start my Photo 2 class, which will require me to have a Film Camera. (Which I don't have...) So, I need to jump on that right away! Not to mention the textbooks... Well, summer was cool, some progress on the car was made, and it's continuing. Slowly but surely! Speaking of which, the stock shifter was put in today, as well as the new knob that's been laying around for some time now. Stoked on it!

Old(Left) New (Right)

Fuck Rust!

 The Final Product!

Also bought a Quick Release.