Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day One, AX 2012

Well, another year, and another Anime Expo.

Traffic? What traffic!?

I Love My EF! Parking Beast!

Had to kill some time before the doors opened.

Perfect Grade Red Frame Astray Gundam! Too Expensive for my taste...

Suhwweet Detailing!

The Cosplayers

Friday, June 8, 2012

EF Gas Leak Fixed!

On the way to school last Tuesday morning, I noticed that the inside of my car had the sent of gas. I didn't think of it much at first, but by the time I got out of school and was on my way home, the smell became worse. As it turns out one of the gas filter hoses had slightly snapped. So, off to the junk yard I went! lol! It turned out to be a quick fix, and really cheap! 

Oh Snap! 

..And the new one!

Also, while at the junk yard I got my front lip. I took it off a 1990 DA Integra! 

The lip itself is in good condition, though there are some broken mounting brackets.

Some fixing will have to take place.

Stock shifter was acquired too! 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It's Over 4000!!!!

Well, an estimated 4k cars we accounted for at the Krispy Kreme this year. It was the biggest one yet! Because of all the cars, part of the 5 freeway and most of the streets in Burbank were closed off! Now that finals are over I'd say this was a great way to start summer!

Also, this blog is getting rather dry, so more posting is a must.

Getting the cars ready.

Minor difficulties when waxing the BMW. 

Kevin reppin' the Snob Mob'n!

I swear this thing must've had more batteries than anything. Who needs 14 monitors in a car? 

Krispy Kreme meets calls for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts..

...Which were sold after lol!

First Customer!

 Super dope sit on this EF! Summer is going to be great to mine!

The Crew!

And of course, there just had to be an Eight Six!