Monday, December 10, 2012

The EF Update

I while back ago, my pc crashed and deleted everything I had stored in it. Though depressing, I found it as a motivational push to go out and shoot more. Since then, I've been saving up for a new computer, and as of yesterday, finally got it! Looking through my old (unorganized) photo archives, I realized I didn't have any nice (proper) pictures of my car, and in the celebration of a new computer, I decided to have a mini shoot for the hatch.






The Breakdown:
1989 Honda Civic Si, Fully Stock D16, Function & Form Type 1 Coilovers, and some other stuff.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Not So Typical Day At School

Usually around this time of the semester procrastination takes it toll, and I'm buried alive in work/projects. Not this semester though, surprisingly! So, to celebrate, some friends and I went down to Curry House to grab a bite, and walk around the area of Sawtelle. It turned to quite the adventure today, making going to school much better lol!

Vintage cars shop was cool, even from far away.

Thought the construction up in Santa Monica is annoying, it makes for some interesting pictures.

Deluxe Chicken Katsu Curry!

After Curry house, we headed down to a local Shaved Ice place. Too good, and surprisingly very cheap!

Spotted this Lambo too!

Well, after that, headed back on the bus to get to class.

Monday, October 29, 2012


"The budget build" as my cousin Kevin would say. He has recently been reunited with his EF hatch! Totally stoked on what he has in store for it!

Oh, that Honda Love!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hello October!

So it's October, and what better way to start of the month than by killing some zombies to prepare for Halloween! In fact, I'm really looking forward to this month, with Resident Evil 6 being released this week, The Formula D Finals going on next weekend (12th & 13th), The Walking Dead Season 3 coming out, and not to mention the attractions going on everywhere! It's going to be an interesting month.

On a side note, the car will be getting some new parts, and a Vtec head swap. (maybe lol!)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Neptune's Net

Look familiar? A Scene for The Fast and the Furious was shot here! Great food and great view!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yet another semester of school has started and, it's going to be a busy one... I start my Photo 2 class, which will require me to have a Film Camera. (Which I don't have...) So, I need to jump on that right away! Not to mention the textbooks... Well, summer was cool, some progress on the car was made, and it's continuing. Slowly but surely! Speaking of which, the stock shifter was put in today, as well as the new knob that's been laying around for some time now. Stoked on it!

Old(Left) New (Right)

Fuck Rust!

 The Final Product!

Also bought a Quick Release.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some Progress (Type 1 Coilovers)

As I had mentioned, one of my new years resolutions was to get my car looking the way I wanted to by the end of the year. (Or... at least somewhat anyway.) So, what better way to start! I bought a set of Function and Form Type 1 Coilovers.  The coils are height adjustable only, so, I'm looking into getting a front camber kit later. The installation was cool and all, but the adjusting took more time than I'd like to admit. After the coils were in, my friends and I took some time adjusting the height, and I mean some time! lol! (Thanks Kevin, and Elvis!!) Even after I left their place, I still had to adjust it some more when I got home. I've had them in for about a week now, and the ride is quite comfortable! I'll be posting updates as the progression continues, so stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

Before and After.

Coils in! (Not the final settings)

Some more adjusting was done to get the sit that I wanted.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day One, AX 2012

Well, another year, and another Anime Expo.

Traffic? What traffic!?

I Love My EF! Parking Beast!

Had to kill some time before the doors opened.

Perfect Grade Red Frame Astray Gundam! Too Expensive for my taste...

Suhwweet Detailing!

The Cosplayers