Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

Hella fun today! BBQ in the morning with the family friends, later going to a birthday party with some close family of my dad's! Overall great Sunday!

Saw This Cool dude!

Illusionist Sprite! 

Friday, April 22, 2011


About a week ago or so, my internet got cut off... so, no that it's back up and running, update time! lol! Last week was my spring break and honestly, I didn't do much.. I guess just catch up on the sleep I had lost.. But Summer Is almost here and there is soo much to be done!! I Just ordered my lowering springs for the car, so new look for my hatch! Until then, here's whatever I found in my camera.

Watched A LOT of Top Gear on my Spring Break.... LOL!

Little Tokyo Center.

Randoms for a Project.

As you can see, I still haven't fixed my rim.... I will get to it, just need them moneyz!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Didn't take any pictures whatsoever because of the fact that i was working most of the time. but My Boss, Tetsu did! So, once i get the pictures from him I'll post them on here! So here's what i got so far....

Got this guys signature!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


From all the crazyness of school finally taking it's toll, I really haven't had the time to update this blog of mine.... I guess I'll try to post more often. So, about a week or so ago, a friend of mine, Chris, had announced he was coming down from San Jose to hang out. After some planning, the hanging out commenced! Tommy, Eydie, Anjie, Yamaguchi, Chris, and myself! Had a blast! Went to "SUSHISTOP" for a great meal, then headed down to some shops, and that lead to some bowling!


lol! Sorry Eydie, I just had too!

Boba Truck!

Tommy getting that "Asian look" down! lol!

Chris hangin' out of his Matrix!