Monday, November 28, 2011

Birthday, Black Friday, Etc, Etc!

Life's been good, a lot has happened happened in these few short months. For Starters, I turned 21 about  weeks ago, and feels pretty good. Went to celebrate with the family and friends! Goods times! I'm still trying to re-do my room, but I'm more than half way there. Thanks to Black Friday that is! For the first time ever, I camped out to be first in line, and what an experience it was. My friend Tommy, Eydie, and her brother Dee started lining up on Tuesday around 7:30ish.. and just went from there! We were the first four in line, and because of it we might of made some enemies. lol! some people kept trying to bribe us for our place, and I gotta say, their offers were ridiculous! The camp out was a success, all four of us got what we wanted and even a little bit more. Besides everything else, we went for the deal of the century! A 42" Sharp LCD TV for only $199.99! I was second in line and those days in line were worth it! ....But, not sure if I would ever do that again... ahahaa! It was fun, but pretty nerve wracking at the same time. There were just so many shady looking people.. As of late I've just been going to school, and working, but I'll be posting more often (I hope) as my blog is getting rather dry.. I'll post an update on the car in another post (soon). Nothing too big, just some light mods. So, here are some of the pictures of some of these goods I've got! 

Trial Gia Memory! A gift from my floor manager at work.

I Need to find some time to build this thing!

SOOO Worth it! lol!

My Time Killer as of late! M vs C 3 ans Metal Gear!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Car Stuff

A lot of stuff has been happening lately. For starters, I picked up my lowering spring for the car, and had them installed. I'm so stoked on the new look my EF has now. I've been saving up to get a laptop as well, since my computer got wiped clean thanks to some stupid virus. I lost everything I had... My pictures, music, files.. I guess a minor set back.. Well, today was chill, I've recently started watching Spider-Man, the 1994 animated series, and I gotta say, it is really good! Thank you Netflix! lol! I've also picked up a watch, which I've been needing since forever! I hung out with the cousins today, and just quickly snapped some pictures of the EF and my cousins' Prelude. Enjoy. 

Very Clean! 

My Springs.

My watch! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


COMI-CON!!!!!! My very First Con, and WOW! So many things that were soooooo Amazing! Here are some pix I took of the event.

Setting Up For Comi-con with Lindsey.

Had L&L for the 1st time! yee!

Motel Business loL!

Adam West!!!!

Back in LA!